Commentary on the public impeachment hearings: CNN Opinion | CNN

Live commentary on the impeachment hearings

George Kent Bill Taylor SPLIT
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  • CNN Opinion commentators weigh in on the impeachment hearings held before the House Intelligence Committee Wednesday.
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34 Posts

Republicans were spinning, bobbing and weaving

If there’s one big takeaway from today’s impeachment hearings, it would be this: It’s a highly partisan, political affair, in which the facts don’t appear to matter to Republicans one bit.  In fact, all that matters is the “R” label that they wear across their chest.

If these were traditional times, there would be bi-partisan outrage over any US President conditioning a White House meeting and aid to a foreign government upon the investigation of a political opponent. But the Trump administration has been far from traditional.

The top US diplomat in Ukraine, Bill Taylor – who has served this country in various capacities and administrations – commanded the room in his opening statement, and in his responses to questions by committee members.

In so doing, he made clear that he was not there to pass judgment on anything or anyone, but merely to recite the facts. 

He highlighted the significance of the US alliance with Ukraine in protecting it from attacks by Russia, and the fact that US security assistance was crucial to Ukraine’s defense. 

Taylor further spoke of the need for the US to be a reliable strategic partner. He was mystified by the two differing channels of US policy — one of which was formal and strategic, and the other which was highly irregular, and led by Rudy Giuliani.

America’s strategic interests were being diminished, confidence in our commitment to Ukraine was being shaken and undermined, soldiers were dying, but no aid was flowing. 

What has been the Republican’s defense to this? First, they say that Ukraine got the aid anyway so it doesn’t matter. That’s like saying you can try to kill someone, but as long as you don’t succeed, no harm no foul. Second, they insist that Trump’s plan of conditioning aid on the investigation was not immediately known by the Ukrainian President so why should it matter.  In other words, as long as a person is unaware of your criminal intentions, those intentions are excusable and irrelevant.  

Instead of the Republicans’ defenses getting any better, sadly they got worse. Republican Rep. Devin Nunes doubled down on a familiar Trump claim and told the public that Trump actually provided Ukrainians with missiles while former President Barack Obama gave them blankets, which is not the whole truth. (Obama gave much more than blankets.)  So, in other words, since Trump gave Ukraine more weapons, why should anything else matter?  Republicans say that Trump was really concerned about the corruption of Ukraine.  That argument is actually pretty funny given the amount of indictments we’ve seen associated with Trump in the last three years.

And here’s a Republican favorite: The Ukrainian President said he felt no pressure. Ah, as if the person who depends upon millions in aid from the US to protect his country from Russian annihilation, and has no clue as to whether Trump will get reelected, will publicly rail against a President who delights in the agony of his enemies.

Last but not least, the Republicans love to talk about Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, and his board seat on Burisma and the $50,000 monthly fee he received. Every time I hear that, it makes my eyes roll as it’s just another effort to deflect and distract from the facts. And ironically, I think of the Republican hero Ronald Reagan telling Walter Mondale in the 1984 Presidential debate: “There you go again.”

Corruption used to be something everyone was concerned about. Nowadays, it just ain’t so. So, I expect more of the same moving forward: Democrats pointing to the facts and laying them bare, with the Republicans spinning, bobbing and weaving saying “who cares”— the President did nothing wrong. And that’s a shame. 

Joey Jackson is a legal analyst for CNN and HLN, and a partner at New York City-based Watford Jackson, PLLC.

We saw the rot that has infected the GOP

We heard a lot from House Republicans in today’s historic impeachment inquiry hearing. 

We heard them whinge about the unfairness of the process – even though they had as much time to question witnesses as the Democrats did. 

We heard them attack the anonymous whistleblower, even though his/her allegations have been corroborated. We heard them attack Joe Biden’s son for doing business overseas, even though Trump’s children – and Trump himself – have business interests around the globe. 

We heard them accuse the witnesses – nonpartisan, patriotic career diplomats – of trafficking in hearsay. Even though potential witnesses, who had direct conversations with the President and could confirm or deny the hearsay, have been blocked from testifying by Mr. Trump. 

What we heard – and saw – was the death of the Republican Party’s commitment to truth, principle, dignity, and the Constitution. They have surrendered the party of Lincoln to a con man, the party of Reagan to a Russian stooge, and the party of Eisenhower to a cult of personality. 

Here’s what we did not hear Republicans say today:

  • “Donald Trump is innocent.”
  • “President Trump would never leverage life-saving, taxpayer-funded military aid to extort and bribe an ally.”
  • “Wait. Ambassador Taylor: you say a close aide heard the President personally pushing for investigations into the Bidens? Well, that’s a new piece of evidence, and I must say it is troubling.”
  • “I am going to keep an open mind about this until all the facts are in.”
  • “The only way the Republican Party could be mortally wounded by this scandal would be for the public to think that we Republicans don’t have the courage, the stamina and the determination to clean our own house.”  That’s what Howard Baker, a principled Republican, said of Watergate. 

That we cannot even imagine Republicans saying any of these things shows the rot – moral, intellectual, political – that has infected the GOP. In addition to impeachment, Republicans need a fundamental ethical reboot.

Paul Begala, a Democratic strategist and CNN political commentator, was a political consultant for Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign in 1992 and was counselor to Clinton in the White House.

The 'Watergate' warning to Trump's defenders

Watching the impeachment hearings, the echoes of history should be ringing in the ears of President Donald Trump’s most devoted defenders, and especially in those of the people pondering whether or not to keep their secrets to protect the president.

The evidence today strongly pointed to grave misdeeds by Trump and his collaborators. Anyone watching with an open mind knows that is the truth.

It’s an easy guess that Trump expected his presidency to make history. Now he has secured that historic spot, but not quite the way he had hoped: In the nearly two-and-a-half centuries since the nation came into existence, only three US presidents have faced impeachment. And judging by what transpired on Wednesday – and by Congressional party arithmetic – Trump is all but sure to be impeached. Removal, with the Senate in Republican control, remains only a distant possibility.

There’s not much historic precedent for this event or for this administration. Trump, his administration, and his businesses are involved in a dizzying number of scandals (he denies such allegations against him, often reverting to claims that these amount to presidential harassment). This may just be the most corrupt administration in American history. Still, the president maintains a powerful hold on his party. Republicans are afraid to turn on him.

For those who have incriminating information about the president’s actions to reveal to Congress and, more importantly, to the country, patriotism and integrity may not always be the most powerful motivator. Perhaps they should look to history for guidance.

The Watergate scandal didn’t just lead to President Richard Nixon’s resignation. Nixon avoided jail, but 40 government officials were eventually indicted or jailed in connection with Watergate, a scandal that seems trivial when compared to the accusations being leveled against President Trump.

Frida Ghitis, a former CNN producer and correspondent, is a world affairs columnist. She is a frequent opinion contributor to CNN, a contributing columnist to the Washington Post and a columnist for World Politics Review. Follow her on Twitter @fridaghitis

Mystery of the July 26 call

The only question that still remains

The facts in the investigation remain consistent and incredibly damaging. There has been very little that undercuts the basic revelation of the administration holding aid to Ukraine hostage for President Donald Trump’s own political needs. The fact that the President was the one on the call asking for an investigation that could benefit his campaign is pretty powerful evidence about what he knew and when he knew it. It seems like the only problem, in his mind, has been that someone blew the whistle.

The testimony of high-level diplomats who were clearly shocked and scared about what was happening was on full display Wednesday. It was hard for Republicans to paint them as partisan attack dogs because it was clear that they are not. 

Day one will only bolster the Democratic resolve to vote for articles of impeachment. As of now, the only question remains whether any Republicans are willing to conclude – through actions rather than words – that this presidential abuse of power requires a congressional response. 

Julian Zelizer, a CNN political analyst, is a professor of history and public affairs at Princeton University and author of the forthcoming book, “Burning Down the House: Newt Gingrich, the Fall of a Speaker, and the Rise of the New Republican Party.” Follow him on Twitter: @julianzelizer.

Democrats are obsessed with unseating the President

The public impeachment hearing of President Donald Trump is proving to be a repeat of Democrats’ efforts to unseat him for alleged Russia meddling.  Democrats set a level of expectation of corruption on the part of President Trump that they failed to meet with the Mueller report. Now, so far, they have failed to meet those expectations with regards to the Ukraine call. This will prove more damaging to Democrats than to the administration.

President Trump’s July 25th comments to the Ukrainian president were inappropriate and ill-advised; however they were not worthy of impeachment. The consequences of the inappropriate comment should be up to the voters in 2020, not a politically motivated House of Representatives.

The Democrats’ star witnesses – Bill Taylor, the top US diplomat in Ukraine, and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State George Kent – have impressive credentials and admirable careers in public service. Both referred to the July 25th call as “cause for concern.” That being said, they are not policymakers. They are policy implementers. 

In that role, they have two options:

1) Implement policies as dictated by the President.

2) Resign. If they don’t like the policy, they are free to leave. 

The American people voted for President Trump knowing full well that he would be in control of the administration’s foreign policy objectives. If that policy is contrary to the US interest, it’s US citizens who should be the ones to remove him from office, not an impeachment-obsessed Congress.

Alice Stewart is a CNN political commentator, a resident fellow at the Kennedy Institute of Politics at Harvard University and former communications director for Ted Cruz for President.

We need to hear from Bolton and Mulvaney

Today’s hearing demonstrated two different approaches at work. The Democrats are pursuing a simple line of inquiry to establish basic facts: That President Trump intended to condition aid to Ukraine on an announcement by Ukraine of an investigation into the Bidens and 2016 election interference; that this undermined longstanding US policy; and that Trump was acting to further private, not national, interests.

Republicans have struggled to find a clear line of defense that engages with the substance of the allegations against Trump, and have instead tried to distract from the main issue. One thread they have pulled, however, has been effective: their efforts to drive home that neither of today’s witnesses spoke directly with Trump, which can help create doubt as to whether Trump acted with corrupt intent.

This, of course, only underscores the necessity of having former National Security Advisor John Bolton and Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney — both of whom who have firsthand knowledge of Trump’s intentions towards Ukraine — testify. Trump, however, has blocked both from providing testimony, undercutting Republicans’ implication that their testimony would exonerate the President.

Asha Rangappa is a senior lecturer at Yale’s Jackson Institute for Global Affairs. She is a former special agent in the FBI, specializing in counterintelligence investigations. Follow her @AshaRangappa_

Taylor's testimony highlights fact vs fiction

The case against President Donald Trump is strong and reality-based. The Republican effort to defend him is weak and based on fiction. 

That’s what we’ve seen today, as the supremely impressive witnesses laid out a clear narrative of a President disregarding the national interest, and subverting American foreign policy and the security of a vital friend for his personal political gain.

Ambassador Bill Taylor, in particular, explained just how important Ukraine is for US national security in the face of an aggressive Russia. Then he told the astonishing story of how the United States under Trump has had two foreign policy channels, “one regular, and one highly irregular.” The latter, according to Taylor, was used by Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, along with Ambassador Gordon Sondland, Former US Special Envoy for Ukraine Kurt Volker, and others, whose goal was not to look after the interests of their country but those of the President. 

Taylor testified that a member of this channel, Volker, “planned to make clear what President Zelensky should do” in order to get a meeting at the White House. He went on to state that, according to Volker, Trump wanted cooperation from Ukraine “on investigations to ‘get to the bottom of things.’” Among those “things” that Trump wanted investigated were Joe Biden and the conspiracy theory made popular on Fox News and other conservative and far-right media, claiming that it was Ukraine, not Russia, that interfered in the 2016 US election. 

The 2016 election interference has been thoroughly investigated by US intelligence, including the CIA, NSA and others. The Republican ‘intelligence,’ which apparently drives some of Trump’s foreign policy, is a fiction. 

In keeping with one of the most appalling traits of this President, Trump’s defenders are building their case on lies and fabrications. Maybe that’s the best they could come up with, considering the facts.

America deserves better. 

Frida Ghitis, a former CNN producer and correspondent, is a world affairs columnist. She is a frequent opinion contributor to CNN, a contributing columnist to the Washington Post and a columnist for World Politics Review. Follow her on Twitter @fridaghitis

This is an impeachment media sideshow

Will the national media pick up on the rich irony of posturing by House Democrats in Wednesday’s impeachment hearing? Democrats insisted that weapons aid was vital for Ukrainian and US interests under President Donald Trump, yet it was the Democratic President Barack Obama’s administration that turned down Ukrainian requests for weapons and ammunition, instead sending nonlethal equipment like night goggles, small reconnaissance drones, radios and military ambulances. 

Security assistance to Ukraine “demonstrates our commitment to resist aggression and defend freedom,” William Taylor testified today. It was the Trump administration that actually sent lethal aid, Taylor confirmed

Democrats and their friends in the media claim that President Trump wrongly pressured the Ukrainian government to launch investigations into his political rivals and used hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid for the country as leverage. Yet Taylor previously testified that to his knowledge, no one in the Ukrainian government was aware of a supposed hold by President Trump.

“Do you have any firsthand knowledge of United States aid to Ukraine ever being connected to the opening of a new investigation?” Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.) previously asked George P. Kent, another witness from today, during a closed-door deposition earlier this month.

“I do not have direct knowledge, no,” Kent then replied.

While it’s true that testimony today did indicate pressure might have been applied, no one provided evidence that it came directly from the President. Further, given that no Republicans crossed over to support the House resolution to proceed on impeachment, it’s basically impossible that the Senate will convict. Conservatives know today’s hearings are a politically-contrived stunt designed to replace the faux scandal of the Mueller report.

President Trump has led the way in making progress on preventing opioid overdoses, defeating ISIS, helping create an environment for millions of new American jobs. But these serious policy questions are getting swallowed up in an impeachment media sideshow.

Carrie Sheffield is national editor for Accuracy in Media, a conservative media watchdog organization.

Devastating statements against Trump

The opening statements from Bill Taylor and George Kent this morning were devastating to the President because of the two career diplomats’ stature and the powerful way in which they delivered their remarks. 

It’s almost impossible to dispute that there was a deal on the table that would trade the release of aid to Ukraine for Ukrainian investigations that would help Trump win the next election. It’s indefensible behavior on the part of the President and I doubt Republicans will spend a lot of time trying to defend it.

Perhaps the most significant testimony, though, was about US foreign policy. Both Kent and Taylor warned against abandoning our commitment to Ukraine as an important strategic ally. To do so would be the latest example of the President tilting US foreign policy in the direction of helping Russia at the expense of our traditional allies. Whether it was Trump’s servile turn at the Helsinki press conference with Vladimir Putin last year, or his abandonment of our Kurdish allies in Syria or his trying to bully our allies into readmitting Russia to the G-8, the message has been clear.

Both Kent and Taylor make the important point that it’s not just abuse of power, it’s the reorientation of US foreign policy toward Russia and against America’s national interests.

Joe Lockhart was White House press secretary from 1998-2000 in President Bill Clinton’s administration. He co-hosts the podcast “Words Matter.” 

Bill Taylor is everything Democrats hoped Robert Mueller would be

US diplomat Bill Taylor ended up being everything Democrats hoped special investigator Robert Mueller would be – a daring patriot who emerges from the halls of American government, a man of the law driven by his deep desire to deliver the truth and save American democracy.

Taylor’s testimony today before the House Intelligence Committee demonstrated that he was indeed that man.

Taylor testified that Gordon Sondland said President Donald Trump cared more about investigations of the Bidens than he did about Ukraine. Taylor’s testimony left no room for ambiguity and made it clear to the House that Ukrainians face a lethal threat at home from Russia.

The damage that Taylor did to the Trump administration was what many hoped Mueller’s report would do – but ultimately didn’t.

Speaking for myself, Taylor is the patriot I’ve been waiting for – right down to his attention-grabbing radio voice.

Anushay Hossain is a journalist and political analyst based in Washington. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram

The questions that linger

Devin Nunes stayed on brand  

In his opening remarks at Wednesday’s impeachment hearing, Rep. Devin Nunes stayed true to his partisan brand: distract, deflect and discredit. 

His comments were a jumble of past and present Republican talking points about the Mueller investigation and the ongoing Ukraine scandal. To ensure that the waters were muddied, he threw in mentions of the “impeachment sham,” Hunter Biden, and the Steele dossier. He accused Democrats of being the “last people on earth with the credibility to hurl more preposterous accusations at their political opponents.” Aside from the idiocy of such overreaching bombast, has he forgotten that President Donald Trump recently called his Republican political opponents “human scum?”  

The impeachment hearings are a gravely serious matter. Nunes nonetheless disparaged the process as a “televised theatrical performance.” He welcomed Ambassador Bill Taylor and Deputy Assistant Secretary George Kent as witnesses who had passed “star-chamber auditions,” sardonically informing them that they have been cast in a “low-rent Ukrainian sequel” to the ”Russia hoax” drama. 

This was a disgraceful way to speak to two State Department officials with decades of experience in protecting America’s interests abroad. Given that Republicans and the press have found absolutely no evidence of these two gentlemen having any political ax to grind, Nunes’ “welcome” to Taylor and Kent was insulting.   

If Nunes hoped to somehow put the Democrats on the defensive with his opening statement, he failed. The public heard nothing new – nothing that they could not have heard any given night on Fox News. Nunes’ words were embarrassing, unseemly, and notably lacking in any proactive defense of the President. This was his chance to frame day one of the hearings, to lay out a solid case against impeachment, and to explain why and how the President’s actions were allegedly being mischaracterized. That Nunes was unable to do so speaks volumes and exposes the absence of any acceptable explanation for Trump’s conduct regarding Ukraine.   

Raul A. Reyes is an attorney and a member of the USA Today board of contributors. Follow him on Twitter @RaulAReyes.

How this looks for Sondland

Will this keep the attention of TV viewers?

The Trump presidency has been good for television ratings. But whether the impeachment hearings can keep the attention of viewers who have been saturated with White House drama for three years is an entirely different question.

As hearings kicked off Wednesday morning, all three networks broke into their daytime programming to air the House Intelligence Committee hearings. But did regular viewers of The View, for example, stick around in the absence of their favorite show for a lengthy recitation of Ukraine’s geopolitical history and US diplomatic interests in Kiev? Last week over 3 million people watching The View saw the contentious appearance of Donald Trump Jr. – a recent ratings high. We’ll find out shortly how many people tuned in to learn about the funding of Javelin anti-tank missiles and counter-battery radar – but I have my doubts.

Of course, most Americans still get their news from television – local television, cable news and national evening news. Although that number has been falling over the last few years, when broken down by age demographic, television dominates among older Americans who also have the highest voter turnout. According to Pew, 81% of those over 65 years old often get their news from television and according to census data are almost twice as likely to vote as their youngest cohorts.

This is all to say: when it comes to impeachment hearings, both Democrats and Republicans would be wise to remember that for most voters, the medium is the message. 

Sarah Isgur is a CNN political analyst. She has worked on three Republican presidential campaigns and is an adjunct professor at George Washington University’s School of Media and Public Affairs. She is a graduate of Harvard Law School. 

What lawyers are saying

Bill Taylor tried to save Trump from himself

While it’s unsurprising that Republicans would attempt to smear the integrity or independence of witnesses like Bill Taylor — given how bad the substance of their allegations are — what struck me most during Taylor’s live testimony was how spectacularly that argument fell apart. 

His accounting of just how hard he was working behind the scenes to save Trump from himself – to prevent the President from doing the exact things that could lead to his impeachment over Ukrainian aid negotiations – made it clear that, if anything, he was Trump’s best ally, not someone who was biased against him.

Someone who was out to get Trump, or was even ambivalent about him, might have let him do what he wanted without protest. Taylor, instead, protested early and often, perhaps allowing Republicans to consequently defend the President by saying aid was eventually released, without the quid pro quo. 

SE Cupp is a CNN political commentator and the host of “SE Cupp Unfiltered.” 

Taylor's testimony sets a bigger stage

What it takes to be a witness here

Nunes gets it exactly backward

Rep. Devin Nunes’ remarkable opening statement – delivered with blistering scorn in the first half-hour of the House Intelligence Committee hearing – sets the tone for Republicans’ efforts to distort and discredit the impeachment inquiry against President Trump.

“This is a carefully orchestrated media smear campaign,” Nunez said, conducted by Democrats, partisan bureaucrats and “the corrupt media.” 

Nunes went on to decry what we called an “impeachment sham” and “a televised theatrical performance.”

His screed was long on talking points but short on facts. To date, Trump’s campaign manager, deputy campaign manager, first national security adviser and personal attorney have all been convicted of federal crimes. The lawless behavior of top Trump aides – along with the alarming July phone call in which Trump directly urged the Ukrainian president to investigate Trump’s political enemies – constitute more than enough reason to launch a full congressional inquiry.

Lest anybody forget: it’s against the law for a political campaign to solicit anything of value from a foreign government. That is why today’s hearings were necessary.

“It’s nothing more than an impeachment process in search of a crime,” said Nunez. He has it exactly backward.

Errol Louis is the host of “Inside City Hall,” a nightly political show on NY1, a New York all-news channel.