Two photojournalists and an engineer killed in Lebanon Thursday night are just the latest journalists killed since the conflict in the Middle East escalated a year ago.
Carlos Martinez de la Serna, the Program Director for the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) tells CNN, “Journalists have been paying the highest price – their lives – for their reporting. Without protection, equipment, international presence, communications, or food and water, they are still doing their crucial jobs to tell the world the truth.”
“Every time a journalist is killed, injured, arrested, or forced to go [in]to exile, we lose fragments of the truth. Those responsible for these casualties face dual trials: one under international law and another before history’s unforgiving gaze.”
As of now, 131 journalists and media workers have been killed in the Israel-Gaza war: 123 Palestinian, two Israeli, and six Lebanese, according to the CPJ.
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