(CNN)President Donald Trump weighs 244 pounds, stands 6 feet 3 inches, has a blood pressure of 121/79 mmHG and a resting heart rate 63 beats per minute, the White House said on Wednesday in a summary of his annual physical.
The results came after Trump revealed he'd taken a round of a controversial drug to prevent coronavirus and questions about the circumstances of his physical exam last year.
The White House press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, said the results indicate Trump is "healthy."
A memo from the President's physical, Dr. Sean Conley, simply said "there were no findings of significance or changes to report."
Trump made an unannounced visit to Walter Reed on Saturday, November 16, 2019, for a little more than two hours to undertake exams for part of the physical. Medical staff at Walter Reed did not get a staff-wide notice about a presidential visit. He traveled via motorcade rather than Marine One.
In the memo released Wednesday, Conley said Trump underwent additional tests at the White House.
The memo noted Trump's use of hydroxychloroquine, which he revealed last month he began taking after staffers at the White House tested positive for Covid-19.
In the memo, Conley wrote the decision to take the drug -- which has not been proven to prevent or treat coronavirus -- "was done in consultation with his appropriate care team members and close monitoring of the electrocardiogram (EKG) for changes in the QT interval."
The memo said Trump completed a round of the drug without side effects, and that subsequent coronavirus tests came back negative.
A new study shows hydroxychloroquine does not prevent infection with coronavirus. But this exam indicates the President did not suffer harmful heart effects from the drug.
After Trump's first presidential physical, CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta reported that Trump has a common form of heart disease.
Trump's doctor at the time recommended an increase in the dose of his cholesterol-lowering medication and certain lifestyle changes. Without those changes, the President has a moderate risk of having a heart attack in the next three to five years, according to the Mayo Clinic.
CNN reported in early 2019 that sources close to Trump said he had stuck with some minor changes to improve his diet but hadn't stuck with an exercise regimen.
The summary indicates that Trump's cholesterol is controlled to a healthy level now -- at 167 total cholesterol and LDL below 100. It was 196 last year -- barely healthy -- and an unhealthy 223 in 2018.