This cat, originally named Corey, took social media by storm due to his resemblance to "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" star Adam Driver. Within a few days, he was adopted and renamed Kylo Ren, the name of Driver's character in the movie.
courtesy monmouth county spca
Grumpy Cat, also known as Tardar Sauce, is perhaps the most well-known cat on the Internet. Celebrities as diverse as Anderson Cooper and Jennifer Lopez have taken pictures with her.
David Livingston/Getty Images
Owner Mike Bridavsky and celebrity cat Lil Bub at the screening of "Lil Bub & Friendz" during the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival in New York.
Monty is a rescue cat who was born without a nasal bridge bone. He sneezes a lot because of the birth defect, but otherwise he's quite healthy.
Mikala Fuglesang
Henri, le Chat Noir, in a scene from the video, "Henri 2, Paw de Deux," by William Braden. The cat video won the Golden Kitty Award at the Walker Art Center's Internet Cat Video Festival in 2012 in Minneapolis.
William Braden/AP
Sam the cat has become an Internet sensation because of the two black markings on his head, which make him look like he has eyebrows.
Rex Features/Rex/REX USA
Colonel Meow at the Internet Cat Super Group holiday event at Capitol Records Tower in 2013 in Los Angeles. A Himalayan-Persian crossbreed, he held the Guinness World Record for cat with the longest fur.
David Livingston/Getty Images
Honey Bee is a blind cat from Animals Fiji, an animal veterinary service. Here, Honey Bee rested on the backpack of Jonathan Ursin, husband of Sabrina Ursin, who took the photograph.
Lazarus, a sick and malnourished kitten, was rescued in 2012 from the streets of Johnson City, Tennessee, by a student at East Tennessee State University. He was given to Cindy Chambers, a special education professor and animal lover. With medical attention and care, Lazarus became healthy. His Facebook page was created to raise awareness that animals (and people) with disabilities can be great contributors to people's lives if given the opportunity.
Cynthia Chambers
Cats at the harbor of Aoshima Island in the Miyazaki Prefecture in southern Japan on February 25. On this remote island, felines outnumber humans six to one.
Nala Cat, a female Siamese-tabby mix, is a star on Instagram with more than a million followers. Scarsi
Hamilton, dubbed the "Hipster Cat," has a white marking under his nose that looks like Salvador Dali's mustache. He was rescued from a shelter by comedian Jay Stowe after being abandoned in San Francisco. The moggie has many followers on Instagram, and landed a T-shirt deal with clothing retailer The Mountain.
Jay Stowe/Splash News
Maru, the cat sensation in Japan with millions of views for nearly 300 videos since 2007, has three books and a calendar, among other swag for sale.