Tthe computer-animated characters in 2004's "The Polar Express" were called creepy by some critics.
'Avatar' —
"Avatar," a 2009 science fiction film written and directed by James Cameron, features animated blue creatures called the Na'vi.
20th Century Fox
'WALL-E' —
Pixar Animation Studios' "WALL-E," which was released in 2008, tells the tale of a waste-collecting robot who ventures on an outer-space journey that will decide the fate of humanity.
'2001: A Space Odyssey' —
In the 1968 science fiction film "2001: A Space Odyssey," it's computer HAL 9000 that has real control of spacecraft Discovery One, not the astronaut crew.
'Mars Needs Moms' —
In "Mars Needs Moms," a 2011 animated Disney picture, a 9-year-old boy must battle Martians who have abducted his mom.
'It' —
One of the main characters of the 1990 miniseries "It," which is based on a novel by Stephen King, is a sarcastic and sadistic clown.
What freaks you out? —
Do you think any of these characters is creepy? Share your thoughts in the comments.