Today’s a day to celebrate
The work of someone gone but great.
Come on now, don’t be obtuse,
Let’s all give thanks to Dr. Seuss.
His name was Theodor Seuss Geisel
And all the kids they think he’s swell.
Born March 2, 1904
His family, they brewed beer and more.
By high school he was doing art
His cartoon style set him apart.
Soon our Ted was a Dartmouth grad
He paid his rent by drawing ads
For Standard Oil and NBC,
But bigger fame came next, you see.
The tickled tots, they took a look
When Ted, he turned to children’s books.
“The Cat in the Hat” and “Hop on Pop”
Once he started, he couldn’t stop.
“Yertle the Turtle,” “The Lorax” too
A fish of red, a fish of blue.
Our favorite lines we loved to quote
“Could you, would you, with a goat?”
Thank you, thank you Sam-I-Am
“I do so like Green Eggs and Ham.”
Sneetches, Horton, Gerald McGrew
Don’t forget Thing One and Thing Two.
Or, of course, the Griggolupp
Like Seuss would do, I made that up.
Ted’s loyal readers didn’t flinch
When they met the mean old Grinch.
The green one stole poor Whoville’s Yule
Their spirit made him feel a fool.
The movie version was not so merry
Despite the grimace of Jim Carrey.
And at the risk of being contrary
Mike Myers’ “Cat” was truly scary.
It’s not Ted’s fault they weren’t so fun
Because he died in ’91.
But his whimsy will survive
In new books and films – way more than five
There’s even a “Grinch” sequel, it’s true
To bring us more of Cindy Lou Who.
So let’s pour a glass of milk, or juice
And raise a toast to Dr. Seuss.