Break the addiction for your cardiovascular health, for personal hygiene and your wallet. 86% of Americans met American Heart Association's ideal score for overall cardiovascular health, as of 2010, according to a recent study.)
Healthy BMI —
Learn your body-mass index so you can track progress as you get fit. (29% of Americans met the ideal score.)
Physical activity —
Get moving to relieve stressors, boost your immune system and for a good night's rest. (60% of Americans met the ideal score.)
Diet —
Avoid processed food, eat meat sparingly and eat more plants, whole grains and nuts. (1% of Americans met the ideal score.)
Total cholesterol —
Take control of cholesterol by increasing fiber in your diet and make simple lifestyle modifications. (48% of Americans met the ideal score.)
Rick Gershon/Getty Images/File
Blood pressure —
Meditate, scale back the salt and occasionally indulge in a chocolaty snack to lower your reading to where it should be. (48% of Americans met the ideal score.)
Bloomberg/Bloomberg/Getty Images
Blood glucose —
Go on a sugar hiatus, hide the table sugar and avoid foods with high fructose. (74% of Americans met the ideal score.)