(CNN)Read CNN KFile's full story on Sam Clovis here.
April 2012 in blog post: Clovis writes that President Obama could have "fabricated" his biography to create a narrative of "racial oppression." Clovis then questions why Obama did not "'correct'" a literary biography that claimed he was born in Kenya for a decade (the literary agent said she made the error on her own with no information from Obama, who was then working on a book). Clovis then says the media might be giving Obama a pass on his record because he's black.
"We are finding out that the narrative outlined in his Dreams from My Father is at best a composite of his real life, much like the literary license taken by screenwriters when they bring a biography to the screen. At worst, it is a total fabrication that is focused on shaping a narrative based on racial oppression and awakening that probably is only manifested through his play acting. We know so little about his early life, over which, to be fair, he had little control. However, beginning with his teen years, we find a person who indulged in self-destructive behavior. Further, he was directly influenced by a devout communist and pedophile in the personage of Frank Marshall Davis. How profound that influence might have been is certainly open for speculation, but it is clear that the Obama who went on to Occidental (how he got in is a mystery, as are his admittances to Columbia and Harvard) was a young man who was well on his way to crafting the illusion that was quite different from his real life. For over a decade, Obama allowed his publisher to carry a biography that had him born in Kenya. Only after beginning his pursuit of public office did he "correct" the entry. Why have his associations with Ayers, Dorhn, Flager, Farrakhan, Rezko and Wright been coated over with the dismissive hand of the main stream media? Why has a person who has become pathological in his prevarications been given a pass by those who are most affected by his ill-guided policies? Why has his clear narcissism been assuaged by those who seek his favor? Why have the American people not been exposed to his incredible flaws? Could it be that the first African-American president is being given a pass because he is Black? How incredibly racist is that? The logical conclusion is that because he is Black, he cannot help himself. This kind of thinking is the absolutely worst. Of course, the real racists in America are those who, unfortunately, make that connection."
June 2013 on WHO Radio with Jan Mickelson: Clovis said the term "climate change" was a "nonsensical" aim by progressives to give the impression that they can create uniform "perfect weather" worldwide.
"I just really am astounded," Clovis said. "I'm so skeptical on all of this because the science is --people -- a lot of people out there including our friend, know your buddy, Al Gore keeps saying this is settled science. I'm not sure this is settled science. I'm not sure that we're really looking at anything understanding -- what we have to examine is how the language changes and when you start to go away from 'global warming' to 'climate change' this goes right into the heart of progressive thinking because what it says -- or what the implication is -- is that somehow the progressives are going to figure out a way to create the ideal climate in all regions of the earth. And so how nonsensical is that? If you follow that logic to its logical conclusion, that's the conclusion in which you arrive...is that there is some perfect weather or some perfect climate that we will have for everyone -- everyone will thrive."
September 2013 on WHO Radio with Jan Mickelson: Clovis says then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is mentally ill.
Mickelson: The Tea Party doesn't believe in government.
Clovis: I mean, oh my word.
Mickelson: You're a bunch of anarchists.
Clovis: That's delusional. I'll just say that. I think he's mentally ill. Anybody that thinks that, how uninformed is that? This is the leader of the United States Senate. How uninformed is he? Oh my word.
May 2013 on Impact with Sam Clovis: Clovis calls Pelosi "the Batwoman of Alcatraz."
"This is another wack job thing from the Batwoman of Alcatraz, Nancy Pelosi... But the article that Ron has up deals with Nancy Pelosi talking about the fact that the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, is the reason the deficit has come down. I'll let that sink in. Now think about that. No, you can't think about it because there's no way a rational human being can make that connection. OK, let me get this straight, the Affordable Care Act, which has raised premiums for everybody all over the country, that means the cost of healthcare going up, that means therefore what we pay out in spending and this is going to go up, so that has helped reduce the deficit of the United States government? I don't know the connection. I can't even begin to tell you economically how that works. I may not be bright enough. I may not be smart enough to figure that out. I'm sure she's so bright; she's so smart she can do that."
May 2013 on Impact with Sam Clovis: Clovis says Pelosi is "nuts" and "something's happened to her brain."
"I thought one of the great things I saw the other day - and I must admit I thought it was humorous - was when the picture of Pelosi in 1958 came out when she was Miss Lube Rack. And I don't know where she was from, but she was a very attractive woman, and she's kept herself together pretty well, but I'm going to tell you something's happened to her brain. That's right, she was from Baltimore, and her husband is, too, right? I think her husband's big money from there. He was a real estate guy or whatever, so she married into money and then moved to San Francisco to live in one of the toniest parts of town. That's her district where she runs about a 65 percent winning rate overall the things she does there. I just found it humorous. And I'm telling you she's nuts. I mean she's nuts."
May 2013 on Impact with Clovis: Clovis calls Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg "a nutjob" for comments she made during a speech to the University of Chicago where she said "unelected old men" ruling on Roe v. Wade could have stopped the trend in the country toward liberalizing abortion laws.
"So we've contradicted Roe v. Wade. And then we have this nutjob Ginsburg out here talking about the fact that unelected white guys were the ones that ruled on Roe v Wade. I don't get what her point is. Would she have done something differently? Would she have come up with some other imaginative, creative fashion of review on Roe V. Wade 40 years ago to come up with some, uh you know."
April 2012 in a blog post: Clovis labels former Attorney General Eric Holder "a racist bigot."
"In recent weeks, much has been written and discussed concerning our current Attorney General Eric Holder," writes Clovis. "Let's be clear, as our president is so fond of saying, that this attorney general may be the most corrupt and incompetent person to hold the job since the Nixon administration. He is a racist bigot who cannot see beyond his own hateful, willful and despicable world view. As such, his administration of his duties hurts all Americans and makes us all much less safe. He is supposed to be the chief law enforcement officer in the United States, defending the Constitution and all the laws of the land, but he is selective in what he does or has his people do and appears to have no intention of supporting the Constitution."
May 2013 on Impact with Sam Clovis: Clovis labels then-Attorney General Eric Holder "a racist black," then-Labor Secretary Tom Perez "a racist latino" and calls Federal Housing Finance Agency nominee Mel Watts and an "irresponsible racist" and "outrageously racist."
"On the record of his public pronouncements alone, Mr. Watt is unfit to hold any federal office given that the FHFA has over sided Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the corrupt government corporations at the center of the 2008 financial crisis. This nomination is particularly worrisome." This goes right in line with Tom Perez who is a racist Latino and goes to (inaudible) who is a racist Latino, Eric Holder who is a racist black, he got appointed against racist white people other than they don't hire any people of color in the White House so it's kind of an ironic twist there. This is really an incredibly bad situation for the President because—I don't know whether he does this on purpose because these people are so controversial and they're so bad and many of them have ties to so many corrupt situations, you wonder if this isn't on purpose, that he doesn't float these people up to take our eye off the ball and so this is really, I think, one of those things and that's really behind it that's so terrible. Watt is one who has been outrageously racist in his comments, he is very much a person—here is who he's tied to."
April 2013 on Impact with Clovis: Clovis labeled former Labor Secretary Hilda Solis a "socialist."
"And he has come under incredible scrutiny at the Senate level for his confirmation because this man -- if you think Hilda Solis is a socialist, and she is by the way, she's an avowed socialist, Hilda Solis, the former Secretary of Labor. This guy makes Hilda Solis look like a John Birch-er. So I just thought I'd throw that out there, just to let you know how things are going. Jim, how are you today?"
August 2012 on Serious Civics: Clovis labeled White House staffers Anita Dunn, Van Jones, and Robert Bauer followers of Mao (Dunn once said in a speech that Mao was one of her favorite philosophers, but claimed a quote she shared was from Lee Atwater). Clovis falsely claims Van Jones has a prison record (Jones was arrested a number of times protesting, but never served time in prison).
"Those are some of the people that we know that are around him. Some of there are others that are happen to be around the President the United States as well," said Clovis. "Anita Dunn, former communications director, who in a public speech said that Mao was her favorite philosopher. None other than Van Jones, the green jobs person, who we know was a person that very much believed in Mao and became ... Even though he had a prison record found his way into the White House. Robert Bauer, Anita Dunn's husband, chief counsel to the president, is an avowed Maoist."
May 2013 on Serious Civics: Clovis labels Jones a communist (Jones says he is not a communist).
"You know, you have Van Jones an avowed communist he appointed there," said Clovis. "And he has Susan Powers who's a rabid human rights advocate. Susan Rice is the ambassador to the United Nations who is as petulant as she is incompetent."
April 2012 in a blog post: Clovis expressed his belief Obama wanted to rule as a dictator and enslave his opponents.
"This president is a dangerous person," Clovis wrote. "He is dangerous in that he does not have the interests of the nation in mind and is more than willing to do anything to advance an ideology that is absolutely opposed to American exceptionalism. Four more years of this man as president could very well mean the total deconstruction of our Constitutional republic. He wants to be a dictator and he wants to enslave all who are not part of his regime. As Althusius advised in the 17th Century, we have a right to throw off imprudent magistrates. The current president certainly qualifies. Vote in November."
September 2012 on an episode of Serious Civics with Sam Clovis: Clovis said that it was "almost as if" Obama was "happy" after the attack on the American embassy in Benghazi, Libya that month and suggested it could be intentional.
"This is something that tells you that he is dismissive of the entire affair and in fact, I would even hate to stretch this out but it's almost as if it was intentional. As if he is happy that these things have occurred." Clovis said of Obama after the Benghazi attack. "Now I know that's harsh and I don't have any evidence to support that. But look at his actions. Right after the event, where does he go? He goes and he does an interview on the hip hop guy who is a pimp and on top of everything else. The fact that he goes to Las Vegas and essentially just mentions in passing that we've had 4 americans killed in Libya under a premeditated orchestrated attack and he doesn't seem to have any more attachment to it than that. This is frightening. This is frightening."
February 2014 on Who Radio with Jan Mickelson: Clovis agreed with Mickelson's assessment that climate change was a way to redistribute wealth and "a big hustle." Clovis also made reference to "Agenda 21," an United Nations action plan on sustainability that right-wing figures have long claimed is an attempt by the international organization to strip local governments of their sovereignty.
Mickelson: The global warming stuff- we now figured out it was a big hustle.
Clovis: Right.
Mickelson: In order to get access to the economy to redistribute wealth.
Clovis: Right.
Mickelson: That's all it was.
Clovis: Absolutely- Agenda 21- redistribution of wealth. I mean all of it.
August 2012 on Serious Civics with Sam Clovis: Clovis said that Obama-era propaganda had similarities to 1930s Nazi Germany and fascist Italy.
"One of things I've been struck by is you and I are both history buffs and you know my penchant for studying history," said Clovis. "I see so many parallels between 1922 Italy and 1933 Germany in the propaganda machinery of this administration and the willingness of the mainstream media to support that propaganda. The only thing I picked up on recently is that some of the people in the mainstream media have stopped becoming shields for this administration because they've been made to look so bad so often now that their reputation is tattered as they maybe are it stakes. We're starting to see maybe a little bit of this turning around, but I want to get back to this issue of the presidency."
May 2013 on Serious Civics with Sam Clovis: Clovis said the mentality of "D.C. Elites" is similar to Islamofascists.
"So the actions of the jihadis, the actions of the radical Islamofascists out there, those actions there are predicated on power," Clovis said. "It's predicated on power and influence and terror. And it is a form of governance that these people want to impose, and it is absolutely ruled by the elites. Now, I want you to think about this, where have you heard this before? Because the same mentality is exactly what we see in a lot of the D.C. elites today. They don't use terror so much as they use the coercive power of government to impose themselves on us."
September 2012 on Serious Civics with Sam Clovis: Clovis said women would not be part of Democratic Party unless they viewed themselves as victims.
"The war on women is the one that comes from the progressives. The war on women is the one that allows -- that forces them into this permanent underclass. The war on women is developed by this diversity of opinion or this need for egalitarianism on the part of the progressives, that's the war on women. It's not the Republican party that wants to hold women down, it's the Democrats because if the women aren't victims then they're not going to be part of the Democratic party, it's that simple."
August 2012 on Serious Civics: Clovis hosted an entire episode of his show on Obama's background, making the argument that Obama is a "Maoist."
Listen to the whole episode on the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine here.
In the two hour-long episode, Clovis said of Obama, "I am convinced that he is a dyed-in-the-wool Maoist," presenting a shadowy narrative of the former president's life to explain how he came to believe in "radical egalitarianism." Invoking an image of "800 million people all wearing the same clothes, in the same uniform" in Mao's China, Clovis argued that Obama "projects a messianic vision of himself and of his mission," which, according to Clovis, he viewed similarly to Mao's notion that "the people are a blank sheet upon which the richest words will be written." He claimed that Obama believes that there needs to be "authoritarian control" for society to progress.
Clovis further described Obama as a "pathological narcissist" who exhibited a host of cognitive vices and deficiencies consistent with that personality type, from chronically misrepresenting "facts and reality," to possessing "no self-esteem," to having "a hard time relating to people." In his narrative of Obama's development, Clovis tells a story of a young boy whose father was absent, who was "disassociated from his mother," and came to be heavily influenced by figures such as former Weather Underground member and University of Chicago professor Bill Ayers, his wife Bernadine Dohrn, and Frank Marshall Davis, a friend of Obama's grandparents. Ayers, Clovis said, introduced the concept of the "authoritarian leftist" to Obama, while Davis' influence caused Obama to identify himself "as being black," as opposed to of "mixed ethnicity."
As a result, he claims that Obama, whom he says was known by none of college classmates at Columbia, became an "involuntary minority" who viewed himself in opposition to established structures, leading him to "fight" and "push back" against them instead of seeking achievement within them. "We have here a person who is very clearly, now has all these social justice oppositional theories, strong influence of Mao, all of these other factors. All of these factors go to shape and form this particular president," Clovis said, summarizing his view of Barack Obama.