CNN  — 

They fled terror, tyranny and persecution in search of a better life for themselves and their families. They believed that the United States would offer them that life – that the country formed by immigrants would welcome them with open arms.

As the legality of President Trump’s travel ban is debated, CNN spoke with Muslims who came to the United States between 1982 and 2014. We asked them about current attitudes and policies toward Muslims and refugees, why they came to America – and what their hopes are for the future.

What was the American dream for you?

They believed America valued diversity and they embraced its ideals. They came with high hopes and great expectations.

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Refugees remember their American dreams
01:37 - Source: CNN

What is the greatest difficulty you face in the US?

Challenges include being suspected of terrorism, delays and questions at airports, and a feeling of being judged by a name, religion or choice of clothing.

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Living in America: Refugees' big challenges
01:12 - Source: CNN

What are your greatest fears about today’s political and social climate?

As tension increases and the country deals with disagreement and division, Muslim refugees worry they might always be perceived as the “others.”

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Refugees worry about their future in US
01:57 - Source: CNN

What does the future hold for you and other refugees in America?

Hope and fear mix as refugees gaze toward an uncertain horizon.

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Refugees still have hope for life in US
01:25 - Source: CNN