The highly-anticipated sequel "Avengers: Age of Ultron" makes use of a number of Marvel Comics characters, chief among them, Captain America, who made his debut nearly 75 years ago. These Marvel characters also are featured in the movie.
Marvel comics
Chris Evans has portrayed Captain America in four movies, with more to come.
Marvel Studios
Marvel's interpretation of the Norse god Thor is now the best-known one in pop culture.
Marvel Comics
Chris Hemsworth is now making his fourth appearance as the Norse god.
Marvel Studios
Black Widow started out as a villain during the Cold War Marvel Comics, but is now a hero.
Marvel Comics
Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow has been ubiquitous in many Marvel movies.
Marvel Studios
Iron Man was a popular character in the Marvel world.
Marvel Comics
... But was never as popular as he is now, as portrayed by Robert Downey Jr. in a number of movies.
Marvel Studios
The Hulk is one of Marvel's best-known characters.
Marvel Comics
Mark Ruffalo's portrayal of Bruce Banner drew praise in the first "Avengers."
Marvel Studios
Hawkeye is a mainstay on the Avengers team in the comics.
Marvel Comics
Jeremy Renner, as Hawkeye, has a larger role in "Age of Ultron."
Marvel Studios
Tony Stark's friend "Rhodey" has an alter ego of War Machine.
Marvel Comics
Don Cheadle makes his first "Avengers" appearance as War Machine.
Marvel Studios
The siblings Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch have not always been on the side of good.
Marvel Comics
Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Elizabeth Olsen portray them for the first time in "Age of Ultron."
Marvel Studios
The AI hero, the Vision has been a member of the team since the late 1960s.
Marvel Comics
Paul Bettany, who has voiced Tony Stark's computer, JARVIS, for years, finally takes a role onscreen as the Vision.
Marvel Comics
Ultron is one of the most dangerous villains in Marvel Comics, since 1968.
Marvel Comics
James Spader plays the evil robot in the sequel named after him.