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Aid workers in the crossfire
UNICEF vehicles travel a dusty road lined with remnants of buildings in the Old City of Homs, Syria. UNICEF has 380 staff working on the Syrian crisis, 180 inside Syria.
Seven-year-old Khalil stands barefoot on broom bristles in the snow at the entrance of his family's tent in Dikmen Valley, Turkey. Khalil, a refugee from Aleppo, Syria, does not attend school. "I don't want to go to school. I will work," he said.
A Red Crescent volunteer speaks with Syrian refugees in Jordan. The International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies help 3.7 million Syrians each month. About 3,000 IFRC volunteers are working with the Syrian crisis and 47 IFRC volunteers have died in the line of duty.
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Omer, 7, lives in Jordan's Zaatari Camp for Syrian refugees. Omer says, "Winter is not nice here. We step in mud and water. Snow is the worst part of winter here." Mercy Corps delivered 17,200 tons of food and supplies into northern Syria in 2014.
Sumaya Agha/Mercy Corps
Winter makes daily life harder in Turkey's refugee settlements, especially for children who lack winter clothing. UNICEF says more than half of all Syrian refugees are children. This young woman whispered to the photographer, "Send warm clothes, please."
A CARE aid worker distributes food to a Syrian refugee family. CARE has 230 staff in the Syrian region and has been working on the humanitarian crisis since the beginning.
Exhausted and traumatized Christians from villages in northeastern Syria gather at an Orthodox Christian church in Hasakah, Syria, seeking refuge after their small communities were terrorized. IOCC and its church partner, the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East, is providing food, medical attention and emergency aid to more than 1,000 displaced families.
Khalil looks out from the doorway of his family's tent shelter, in a host community in Dikmen Valley, Turkey. UNICEF has reached millions of Syrians inside and outside Syria.
Hala, 4 months, is held by her big sister Mais, 5, in the Zaatari Camp in Jordan. Her young parents and three siblings arrived in the camp two years ago from Dara'a, Syria. Mercy Corps is helping about 3.7 million people affected by the Syrian crisis, including 2.7 million inside Syria.
Sumaya Agha/Mercy Corps
A CARE aid worker provides relief supplies for winter to a Syrian refugee in Turkey. Many refugees struggle to find winter clothes, boots and blankets.