Ferguson, Missouri CNN  — 

What do you know about Ferguson, Missouri? That a black teenager, Michael Brown, was killed here August 9. That he was shot by a white police officer, Darren Wilson.

You saw the protests that erupted on this city’s streets, some of the clashes with police turning violent. You’ve heard the debate and discussion about Ferguson’s racial divide.

But did you know this: Ferguson is a community of quaint streets and ugly strip malls. It’s a place of affluence as well as poverty. It grew up along a country highway, and underwent massive change.

It’s a place where some white residents said they had no idea that fellow black citizens had a very different outlook.

People here are tired of being in the spotlight – for all the wrong reasons.

We interviewed people in Ferguson about what they want the world to know about the city.

They see the city in many different ways.

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