Keara Donnachie, a PR and marketing manager at Scottish Book Trust, told CNN that people in Edinburgh, Scotland, went outside their offices to cheer on the climate change protesters.
“The atmosphere is amazing,” she said. “Lots of music and cheering, ‘climate change has got to go!’ Lots of families too, young ones in prams and others in wheelchairs,” she said.
Meanwhile, Waqas Tufail, a criminology professor, posted a video of Millennium Square in Leeds, England, packed with protesters.
“Climate change is killing the planet, and I’m worried about the future of my children,” he told CNN. “We need to act now, especially governments and corporations who damage the environment the most.”
“The atmosphere is unbelievable, it’s full of young people who are demanding action. It’s inspiring to be here among students, workers, and people young and old from all walks of life,” he said. “We are united in our demands for urgent action to save the planet.”
And in Cambridge, Rodrigo Arteaga, a PhD researcher at Cambridge University, told CNN he and his wife joined Extinction Rebellion UK to demand a Green New Deal and the enforcement of the Paris agreement. “It’s encouraging and empowering seeing all the kids and teens take to the streets and fight for their future,” he said.
“The kids are giving us a political lesson,” Arteaga added.