Photos: Remembering the Cuban missile crisis

Photos: Remembering the Cuban missile crisis

Published 1616 GMT (0016 HKT) October 15, 2012
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People gather in an electronics store to watch American President John F. Kennedy deliver a nationally televised address on the Cuban missile crisis on October 22, 1962. Time Life Pictures/Getty Images
President John F. Kennedy meets with aides. Getty Images
Onlookers gather on George Smathers Beach in Key West, Florida, to see the U.S. Army's Hawk anti-aircraft missiles positioned there during the Cuban missile crisis. Getty Images
A P2V Neptune U.S. patrol plane flies over a Soviet freighter in 1962. Getty Images
President John F. Kennedy signs the order of naval blockade of Cuba on October 24, 1962. AFP/Getty Images
American tanks are on alert in the Berlin Grunewald, West Germany, on October 25, 1962, as the crisis over the Cuban blockade looms. Getty Images
President John F. Kennedy leaves St. Stephen Martyr Catholic Church after attending mass on October 29, 1962, in Washington, just a few hours before the Cuban missile crisis began to resolve peacefully. AFP/Getty Images
American destroyer USS Vesole (DD-878) escorts the Russian freighter Polzunov into international waters, bringing an end to the Cuban missile crisis in October 1962. Getty Images