Promises Donald Trump has made so far in his campaign for a second term

Promises Donald Trump has made so far in his campaign for a second term

Published April 20, 2024
Updated September 13, 2024

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Since launching his third bid for the White House, former President Donald Trump has insisted on the campaign trail that life was better under his administration, and he has vowed to reverse many of the policies enacted since he left office. His successor's sweeping climate change agenda, new restrictions on guns and protections for transgender people would all be on the chopping block, he has said.

In rolling back the calendar to before January 2021, Trump also wants to pick up where his administration left off on many of his first-term priorities, and his ideas will sound familiar to anyone who paid attention to his first campaign eight years ago. He has said he plans to finish building the wall between the US and Mexico that he first promised in 2016, remove all undocumented individuals, implement more tariffs on imports and increase American energy production.

His quest to pick up new support has also led him to dangle promises to specific audiences, including proposing in Las Vegas to eliminate income taxes on tipped wages. He has also floated ambitious but vague ideas to position America for the future by embracing flying cars, promoting cryptocurrency and promising to build 10 new "Freedom Cities.”

But an urge for vengeance is also coursing through Trump's bid to return to Washington, and he is plotting retribution against the systems, institutions and people he believes have wronged him. He and his allies have suggested Trump in a second term could unleash the Justice Department on his political enemies, purge the federal government of disloyal bureaucrats and consolidate power in the executive branch.

Trump will face Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee after President Joe Biden dropped out of the race, in November. (See Harris’ campaign promises here.)

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