CNN  — 

While the news surrounding Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh dominated the news this week (and you should definitely catch up on it), here are some things that you might have missed.

President Donald Trump visited areas damaged by Hurricane Florence. During his time in North Carolina, a little boy asked him for a hug. And now that kid has a story for life.

It’s funny how unexpected moments like the hug above can go so smoothly while photo ops that likely follow weeks of planning can be so difficult. For example, the arrival photo op between the Trumps, the President of Poland and his wife. They look exactly like the rest of us trying to get together for a group photo. So relatable. And nary a sorority squat in sight!

Don’t forget, President Trump is scheduled to attend the United Nations General Assembly next week. UN Ambassador Nikki Haley previewed the message of Trump’s speech, but of course there’s no real way to preview a Trump speech. You’ll remember the UNGA as the venue where he memorably railed against “Rocket Man,” his nickname for North Korea’s Kim Jong Un.

In what looked like the most fun had by anyone anywhere all week, Ivanka Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz got to go to Johnson Space Center in Houston. Most importantly, she got to control a robot and made all the same faces I made the one and only time I tried (and failed) to play a video game.

We didn’t forget about you, Congress. This week was a busy one on the Hill, and next week might not be any different. But let’s take a pause and look at Sen. Tim Kaine doing what basically amounts to the opposite of the “Deal with it” glasses.