With Trump in, Bush will not 'participate' in White House contest - CNNPolitics

With Trump in, Bush will not 'participate' in White House contest

Washington (CNN)President George W. Bush is staying out of presidential campaign politics, a spokesman said Wednesday, an announcement that came just after Donald Trump became the Republican Party's presumptive nominee.

"President Bush does not plan to participate in or comment on the presidential campaign," Bush spokesman Freddy Ford told CNN.
The statement comes just a day after a source familiar with Bush family plans said former President George H.W. Bush would not attend the Republican convention in Cleveland and George W. Bush is unlikely to show up. Jeb Bush, one of Trump's vanquished GOP primary rivals, told CNN last month that he was not attending.
    Trump eviscerated almost every other Republican opponent, but some of his most vicious digs were saved for Jeb Bush, who became an instant target at the start of the Republican battle as the then-front-runner. And Trump also attacked Jeb Bush's brother, George W., saying he made the country less safe and faulted him for the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks happening on his watch.