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The Donald has disclosed.

Donald Trump’s financial disclosure records were made public Wednesday by the Federal Election Commission, a week after Trump filed the forms and announced he was worth more than $10 billion.

The massive 92-page document details the hundreds of investments and assets that make up the business magnate’s portfolio, revealing income earned on everything from royalties and rents to speaking fees and licensing deals.

What it doesn’t reveal is exactly how much the Republican presidential candidate is worth. The form only requires candidates to disclose assets and income in broad ranges. Trump lists at least $1.4 billion in assets and $265 million in liabilities, according to the report.

RELATED: Donald Trump’s personal financial disclosure report

Presidential candidates are required to file personal financial disclosure reports detailing their finances dating back through the previous calendar year.

The Trump campaign declined to comment on the report.

The findings

Trump is synonymous with real estate so it’s not surprising that some of Trump’s most valuable assets – listed on the disclosures as those worth more than $50 million – come largely from the industry where he first made his name. He owns resorts, golf clubs, residential and business properties around the world, including New York, Beverly Hills, Chicago, Miami and Scotland.

His hotels management company and the Trump Corporation are also listed as worth more than $50 million, according to the disclosures.

In comparison to the dozens of pages listing Trump’s assets and income, there is only one page listing his liabilities. It includes 15 loans, mortgages and bonds that range from as little as $100,001 to $250,000 to three mortgages and a loan that are more than $50 million.

RELATED: Fun facts about Trump’s finances

Trump has held positions in 515 organizations including corporations, trusts and a number of foreign entities – and is frequently listed as an organization officer, according to the disclosure.

Trump’s business interests are worldwide and include countries such as China, Brazil and Korea, which may raise questions about possible conflicts of interest. Critics have raised similar questions about Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton, whose family’s foundation has connections to foreign governments.

Clinton and Trump also share the money-making knack for giving high-priced speeches, a practice that Clinton has been criticized for. Trump gave a total of seven paid speeches since May 2014, totaling $1.75 million. The most Trump made from a speaking engagement was $450,000 – putting Trump in a similar pay bracket as former President Bill Clinton, who has reportedly pulled $500,000. Hillary Clinton has reportedly made north of $300,000 to speak.

Amid the millions of dollars Trump has invested in blue chip companies, Trump has also invested between $100,001 and $250,000 in gold – a popular investment choice among a subset of conservative voters.

Trump claimed last week that he made more than $213 million over the course of 14 seasons of his famed reality show “The Apprentice.” But the disclosure doesn’t appear to verify that claim, showing about $4 million in production revenue and $14,000 in salary from the show along with a Screen Actors’ Guild pension income of about $110,000.

Of 15 books he’s published, most drew royalties of less than $201. Time to Get Tough, his 2011 political book critical of President Obama, made Trump the most money, netting royalties between about $50,000 and $100,000, according to the disclosure.

The disclosures also provide a glimpse into the Trump enterprises that made headlines after several companies cut ties with Trump over comments he made about Mexican immigrants that many found offensive.

NBCUniversal severed its ties with Trump and refused to air the Miss USA pageant earlier this month or the Miss Universe pageant in January. In his disclosure, Trump said Miss Universe L.P. was worth between $5 million and $25 million and generated $3.4 million in income.

Mattress giant Serta also ended its relationship with Trump, a deal that appeared to earn Trump between $1 million and $5 million, according to the disclosures.

And Macy’s pulled Trump brand merchandise from its stores. Trump Marks Menswear, LLC was valued at between $50,000 and $100,000 and generated between $1 million and $5 million in income, according to the report.

Robert Yoon contributed.